ivor.houlker: Ended up in the zoology museum while looking for noodles.
ivor.houlker: Accidentally saw the sunrise just before boarding in Dubai
ivor.houlker: Hong Kong literature exhibition in Tainan.
ivor.houlker: Confucius Snack Noodles. What other snack noodles would you expect to find in a Confucius temple?
ivor.houlker: Now we're on the West side we can see the sunset
ivor.houlker: In Tainan now
ivor.houlker: Realised I should post some pictures of the actual place we went too and not just the sky...
ivor.houlker: At 三仙台 today, the weather's improved
ivor.houlker: Tiredly taking the train to Taitung
ivor.houlker: In Hualien now. They have a gorge gorge.
ivor.houlker: Leaving Yilan...
ivor.houlker: Very quiet in Yilan today
ivor.houlker: On our way to see an important Taiwanese cultural event (蠟筆小新 exhibition).
ivor.houlker: At the airport early
ivor.houlker: Having a hard time avoiding carbs when I eat out.
ivor.houlker: Listening to Stormzy recently. Almost a false cognate.
ivor.houlker: Not sure what this means, but I hope it's OK to post it since they're anonymous but presumably want to be seen...
ivor.houlker: Boat to Yim Tin Tsai
ivor.houlker: Rooftop reading in December
ivor.houlker: 「王惠芬打開一看,驚覺與會者當日得出的聯合決議竟是⠀ 清場...」
ivor.houlker: 「你可能唔知道,我係一個好中意睇書嘅人...」
ivor.houlker: Braving evening mosquitos on the roof to exercise a bit while it's not raining.
ivor.houlker: 'Integration係講緊2 way嘅,係mutual嘅...'
ivor.houlker: 'The name Parsee is derived from when some Zoroastrians fled Iran, Persia then, and came by boat to the shores of Gujarat in India...'
ivor.houlker: '我唔想來來去去,一係做bar tender,一係就做foodpanda...'
ivor.houlker: 'One thousand people came to Sha Tau Kok village, came shouting, along the border...'
ivor.houlker: Celebration dinner after Testimony - thanks again for your hard work. 🎉🎉🎉
ivor.houlker: 「一本護照,一個身份...」
ivor.houlker: 'And I could see that they were just not letting ethnically Indian people into the bar...'
ivor.houlker: 'You said everything will be destroyed? So what's the use of fighting?'