Ivo M. Vermeulen: Long exposure tree photographin' fun!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Getting artsy fartsy with them long exposures!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Long exposure gas station photographin'!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Seeing them patterns everywhere!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: My Girl Isis is doing well, still hanging out in sunbeams!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Buildings and shadows always intrigue me.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Clouds and power lines are fun!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Looking down a Tacoma street.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Houses and clouds.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Sun-lit trees with dark skies behind.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Cars parked in the mall parking lot.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: A lovely dew-laden spider's web.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Fall colors with storm clouds.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: The Mariners pitching.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: An airplane flying past Safeco Field.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: The crowd at Safeco Field.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Mt. Rainier with trees and wispy clouds.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Saw this view of Mt. Rainier while talking on the phone.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: A fireboat hustling along that water there.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Yo that Point Defiance park is way nice! Could've sworn I saw Samsquatch though...
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Photographing trees is still fun!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Mt. Rainier and The Tacoma Dome framed by some tree branches.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Tacoma got some hills man! They steep!!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Love me a pretty sunset sky!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: The sun breaking through the clouds is always a fun sight.
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Just because I'm not at the Garden no more don't mean I don't still love plants!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: For real though, look at the size of that big ass tree!!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Someone's lawn sprinkler was captivating me!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Got some nice views out in Tacoma though!
Ivo M. Vermeulen: Poofy clouds and not a car in sight! That's a good Sunday!