Pakordelius: Ocaso en veta la loma
Valerie Levanova: Silence on Mars
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Merry Christmas!!
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): La viuda negra
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Fall (in love)
Sara (Cuka): LIDIA (4) *EXPLORE
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): And who are you...?
AlexTurton: day 339 - I, Robot
AlexTurton: day 341 - There's so much that we miss, tryin' so hard to be rich and famous, pretty and thin
AlexTurton: day 343 - learning to let go
AlexTurton: day 345 - Parthenon
AlexTurton: day 347 - beyond these gates lies bokeh
AlexTurton: day 348 - I'm watching you
Pakordelius: Espejo
Pakordelius: cigüeñas de la dehesa
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Claustrophobia
GaRaBaT0 - Photo: Islas Cies
Jaime GF: Anochece (Explored)
Nanihta (Sol Vázquez): Tu propia cárcel
Blanca Martinez i Ribes: 18082012-_BMR3328
Blanca Martinez i Ribes: posta sol agost ermita de cubelles
Blanca Martinez i Ribes: posta sol agost ermita de cubelles