Ivan Ant: Pacino
Ivan Ant: "Más instantes cercanos"
Ivan Ant: "The Next Valley" Un año que va quedando atrás, y como siempre uno tiende a mirar de reojo el camino recorrido. Yo observo el valle cruzado este año, repleto de arroyos donde refrescarte y coger aire para continuar. Bosques repletos de vida, que han de
Ivan Ant: Aquel que quiere viajar feliz, debe viajar ligero
Ivan Ant: Un breve minuto entre la niebla.
Ivan Ant: "And if the end; is to keep walking"
Ivan Ant: "In the sea there is no past, present or future, only peace" "En el mar no hay pasado, presente o futuro, solo paz"
Ivan Ant: P7141157-2
Ivan Ant: Ordicuso
Ivan Ant: "You can crush the flowers, but you can't delay spring" "Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera"
Ivan Ant: "Let`s just let the moment flow"
Ivan Ant: "Rediscover, come back to enjoy those moments" "Redescubrete, vuelve a disfrutar de esos momentos"
Ivan Ant: Not all springs are green
Ivan Ant: La Villa
Ivan Ant: "Enjoy the moment"
Ivan Ant: "That wasn´t her train"
Ivan Ant: Close and far
Ivan Ant: Urriellu
Ivan Ant: A place, an alone sound, to be a water
Ivan Ant: "All the storms end, and the light always comes out"
Ivan Ant: "The fall of the bladerunner"
Ivan Ant: Search for your moments
Ivan Ant: Only in winter walks
Ivan Ant: "Walk without waiting ll"(Version B&N)
Ivan Ant: Frozen Desert
Ivan Ant: Walk without waiting
Ivan Ant: "The moment the door opened"
Ivan Ant: Drawing lines