Ivan-TS: Haz. ©
Ivan-TS: "1679... ¿Where are you now?"
Ivan-TS: "Black to the blue"
Ivan-TS: "La persistencia del mar"
Ivan-TS: "Tiempos, lugares." (C)
Ivan-TS: "Anti City 1" (C)
Ivan-TS: "Ciclos" (C)
Ivan-TS: "The long shadow of cypress... and beyond under the sun". (C)
Ivan-TS: "...from the desert" (C)
Ivan-TS: "Hidden behind the enemy's friendly fireline" (C)
Ivan-TS: "Desvaneceres y crepitaciones cotidianos"
Ivan-TS: "Pulmones congelados".
Ivan-TS: |↨|
Ivan-TS: "Yesterday is dead and gone"
Ivan-TS: "Memoria de otros años"
Ivan-TS: Gracias Dimas.
Ivan-TS: "El cielo está tan lejos..."
Ivan-TS: "Catch it!"
Ivan-TS: "Y el mar"
Ivan-TS: "Double Ace?"
Ivan-TS: "Sorpresa!"
Ivan-TS: "Sol de Andalucía II" (zoom)
Ivan-TS: "Punto de partida"
Ivan-TS: "Watching all the time"
Ivan-TS: "El comienzo de muchos viajes"
Ivan-TS: Un milagro....... A miracle.......
Ivan-TS: "Gélido adios"