Andrelo2014: Cinque Torri
Bill Bowman: The Launch
Papenstream: Ooievaars (Storks)
avwedemeyer: a moment borrowed I
José Antonio Sanahuja: Nemo regere potest, nisi qui et regi (Explored 31 January, 2025)
scandan780: Great Blue Heron
Sinnassamy Michel: Eurasian Nuthatch / Sittelle torchepot
MarcinNar: September MilkyWay
Carsten Bahnsen: Blässhuhn / Eurasian coot (Fulica atra)
scandan780: White Ibis
Andrelo2014: Historische Wasserspeicher in Brünn
Bill Bowman: Cozy nook
Martin Pilschek: Rauchschwalbe
Carsten Bahnsen: Eisvogel ♀ / kingfisher ♀ (Alcedo atthis)
mac.rain: La bête ( grue cendrée) vie de près.
Martin Pilschek: Neuntöter
Antoni Figueras: A simphony of lights
mac.rain: Ombres chinoises
bernieboutin: Trusting Downy
alessiamonaco.petphotography: italian greyhound macro
alessiamonaco.petphotography: Border collie studio low key
alessiamonaco.petphotography: Need me to clean this for you, hooman?
Antoni Figueras: The hole of the power
Antoni Figueras: La Défense