itsnotnoah: On melancholy hill
itsnotnoah: Nothing's alright, believe me.
itsnotnoah: Quarantine n chill
itsnotnoah: The boy with the eager eyes
itsnotnoah: William M. Buttlicker
itsnotnoah: Into the Wild
itsnotnoah: Can't stand to see me walk out the door
itsnotnoah: I got my eyes on you
itsnotnoah: Ferosh things
itsnotnoah: I'd love to hate you but your smell's still on my jeans.
itsnotnoah: I love your voice but I hate when you speak.
itsnotnoah: Take your time to trust in me
itsnotnoah: I might have to cancel forever
itsnotnoah: whatitdobabyyy
itsnotnoah: The one in front of the gun lives forever
itsnotnoah: Baby I got a plan, run away fast as you can
itsnotnoah: I think I’d rather love than be a heart of stone that can’t be saved.
itsnotnoah: If I don't fall apart, will my memories stay clear?
itsnotnoah: No need to be so cold, I wanna be more.
itsnotnoah: Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die
itsnotnoah: Realest.
itsnotnoah: :( </3