Jovita's Patchwork Atelier:
Finn at one month and 13-1/2 months
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
The closest I'll ever be to Chelsea Handler and I'm ok with that #wisecrafthandmade
Native quilt
Anna Scott Embroidery:
Blue Birds & Berries
Anna Scott Embroidery:
Blue Bird progress
Penguin & Fish:
Bluebird and Tea - Hoop Up 2 - for Cara (quiltnookgal)
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
4 blocks down, 8 more to go.
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
What will be your mantra today?
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
Lorena in Sydney:
That will have to do for now or we'll be eating cereal for a couple of days. But I guess there's always the veggies from the garden...hmm #scrappytripalong
Many Trips Around the World Top Finished
(Higher quality) Use Libraries and Learn Stuff image
blue bird forest:
GYPO Week 5
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
Vintage Floral Sheet
Erin Gibbs:
week3 - composition
GYPO Week 4
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker:
Jewel Boxes, Week 4 of GYPO
Ranunculus Flower