FlexB: A fine specimen
elisachris: Tiergarten Berlin
koen_jacobs: Autumn
Helmut Hess: Herbstwald
elsvo: Sun been down for days
elsvo: A night so pale
elsvo: It only hurts if it gets you in the heart
A.Reef (slow): Almost There
Cathy Baillet: Aquarelle estivale
lil.ly: airone
iwona_podlasinska: under the blanket (winter outside)
antoinebouyer: Coucher de soleil
iwona_podlasinska: Once upon a time (where the sky was)
antoinebouyer: Gelée, pendant l'hiver 2018-2019
iwona_podlasinska: fly away (where the birds go)
Tania Cervián: Light always saves me
Tania Cervián: Light always saves me
Tania Cervián: Light always saves me
JossieK: Warm