dave p brecks: Anybody see a Poodle?
dave p brecks: Hoping for fallout from table.
dave p brecks: What's for tea?
dave p brecks: Flower from the garden.
dave p brecks: Ravens rock trail
dave p brecks: Torrisdale Bay from back in last century.
Spiceman2013: Sunset this afternoon after the passage of TS Earl
Spiceman2013: Leucistic Banana Quit
Spiceman2013: Leucistic Banana Quit
Sultan Sultani: Fly Alone
theeverlastinggreenbean: Indian Henry's Hunting Ground
theeverlastinggreenbean: Star Trails over Spectacle Lake
theeverlastinggreenbean: Lake in the Dunes
theeverlastinggreenbean: Painted Wall View
theeverlastinggreenbean: Naches Flowerscape - Wenatchee National Forest
LauriNovakPhotography: Light and shadows at Taliesin ©Lauri Novak
Richard Mouser: Discovering the Seahorse
Emanuel Papamanolis: Nelson Falls
KaAuenwasser: Kleiber
Hoffmann Bodo: Flugtag Pottschütthöhe - Pilatus B4 PC11AF
Hoffmann Bodo: Flugtag Pottschütthöhe - Pilatus B4 PC11AF
galsafrafoto: Sally's Pond - Ringwood Manor
VitorJK: Cabine de Leitura - Leiria - N7401
Spiceman2013: The Common Ground Dove
suekelly52: Flying through the Cosmos