Irma Vermaat: Watching Cat TV
Irma Vermaat: Jamòn ignoring his new toy
Irma Vermaat: Hello, I want some of that Parmesan cheese
Irma Vermaat: Snuggling up
Irma Vermaat: Jamòn is relaxing ...
Irma Vermaat: Trying out the cat garden
Irma Vermaat: Sleepyhead
Irma Vermaat: How do I get up there?
Irma Vermaat: In hiding
Irma Vermaat: Embrace
Irma Vermaat: Limoncello Spritzer
Irma Vermaat: Almo Nature
Irma Vermaat: Fluffy
Irma Vermaat: Poor thing
Irma Vermaat: Over the top white chocolate milk
Irma Vermaat: Resting
Irma Vermaat: New toy
Irma Vermaat: New toy
Irma Vermaat: Chin up
Irma Vermaat: Relaxing ...
Irma Vermaat: Jamòn is guarding the papers
Irma Vermaat: Come as you are
Irma Vermaat: Multi purpose books