DBerry2006: 1925 Dodge
Lean66: Clonakilty Sunrise
Lean66: ground shot
.anderson: front street
T Glow: waTer
Hans Zitzler: corn harvest
Hans Zitzler: busy farmer
camerakiriad: tangled wood
L'Ubuesque Boîte à Savon: "Phew for a minute I lost myself... I lost myself..." Kyoto, Japan
Toni Duarte: Asturias
Dulaman: The Burren
MarsW: Peace and tranquility - a little boat rests on Lough Eske, Donegal
xray59: Bike
xray59: Midnight in Paris....
T Glow: reflecTions
.anderson: clouds can be magical places
MarsW: Reflections of Errigal
bella_blue_star: HDR Variation from morning in Blessington
MarsW: Giants Causeway, County Antrim.....p.s. it's nicer large on black!
Hans Zitzler: one drop
Theresa Elvin: “As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.”
Eloy RICARDEZ LUNA: illuminating the sky
Jeff Gaydash: Crow's Nest
Thom4sF: Aline - HighKey