irish-girl: Family movie night. I love introducing the #weewilkers to my 80s favorites. I used to rent this on VHS. It's from back when Joaquin Phoenix was billed as "Leaf" and includes high school girls who save the day and are not super sexualized (also in this cam
irish-girl: Homeward bound, carrying tons of great memories. #tntci
irish-girl: Madame at rest, part II. #tntci #madamegrams
irish-girl: Crap. I forgot where I parked the yacht. #tntci
irish-girl: #stillkickinthis, Caribbean style.
irish-girl: Feminist in paradise. #tntci
irish-girl: Nacho cheese! #tntci #drool
irish-girl: I'm becoming my mother. But that's okay. She's pretty cool. #tntci
irish-girl: Monday, Part II: the ocean at the end of the lane. Is this real life? #tntci
irish-girl: Spent the morning getting a massage in a little beachfront cottage, listening to the sea and feeling the ocean air. This is shaping up to be my favorite Monday ever. #tntci
irish-girl: #tntci
irish-girl: Sister wives. #tntci
irish-girl: Happy birthday, my friend. #tntci
irish-girl: Happy birthday, Todd! #tntci
irish-girl: Madame at rest. #tntci #madamegrams
irish-girl: An adventure begins. #tntci
irish-girl: Staff meeting day is fun when your leader is @nylons
irish-girl: "You guys wanna go see a dead body?" #weewilkers 📷: @nylons' Lovely Partner
irish-girl: Today's #stillkickinthis workout is sold out, but stop by before 3pm and buy some sweet gear!
irish-girl: Couldn't resist. #powerpuffyourself
irish-girl: Artist's statement. #weewilkers
irish-girl: Madam really knows how to set a table. And Grumpy watches over us, from the left and the right. Happy Easter.
irish-girl: Wasn't expecting to hear Alan Cumming sing Miley Cyrus, but I'm not complaining.
irish-girl: Alan Cumming is about to sing us some sappy songs.
irish-girl: Alan Cumming is about to sing us some sappy songs.
irish-girl: Today Jeremy gave Theo a haircut, and Theo learned who Lloyd Christmas is. #weewilkers #dumbanddumber
irish-girl: Kurt has a new haircut! I have a new hat! What a day!
irish-girl: Her first Broadway show; on a whim, we decided to wait by the stage door on the off-chance that she might get to see a cast member or two. In fact, every single cast member came out and kindly signed her Playbill (along with those belonging to the rest of
irish-girl: "Ok, mama. From here we need to take the R train to Union St." We've learned a lot about riding the subway since Friday. Mostly by screwing up a lot; all part of the fun of exploring a city that's not your own. The worst that can happen is you end up some
irish-girl: Last stop. One of my grandma's favorites. #trixieTENYC