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353. 20220928_Mideer Elephant Dream (280)
352. 20220910_Pintoo 玉兔與月餅 (300)
348. 20220805_雷諾瓦 SNOOPY 銀河夢想 (300)
345. 20220407_Pintoo 叢林找-東勢林場-螢 (1200)
344. 20220318_Ravensburger Gorjuss:Ladybird (500)
343. 20220314_拼圖總動員 afu-山村貓語 (500)
342. 20220212_鶴山文化社 灌籃高手-今天在這裏把你打倒再走2 (150)
341. 20220212_鶴山文化社 灌籃高手-今天在這裏把你打倒再走 (150)
339. 20220109_Pintoo 不二馬大叔 我不是胖虎-胖且生氣 (600)
338. 20220106_Pintoo 不二馬大叔 我不是胖虎-別來煩我 (150)
337. 20211229_Nathan Around the World (500)
333. 20211105_Beverly Dear friends (300)
332. 20211027_Pintoo 不二馬大叔 我不是胖虎-虎飲 (600)
331. 20211026_海裡魚 陪伴 (100)
330. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-大寒 (65)
329. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-小寒 (65)
328. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-冬至 (65)
327. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-大雪 (65)
326. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-小雪 (65)
325. 20211018_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-立冬 (65)
324. 20211003_Galison Dogs with Jobs (500)
323. 20210911_Wentworth Kingfishers Catch Fire, Dragonflies Draw Flame (200)
322. 20210822_eeBoo Mother Earth (1000)
321. 20210817_Tenyo 米奇米妮的中國傳統婚禮 (1000)
320. 20210806_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-霜降 (65)
319. 20210806_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-寒露 (65)
318. 20210806_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-秋分 (65)
317. 20210804_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-白露 (65)
316. 20210804_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-處暑 (65)
315. 20210804_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-立秋 (65)
314. 20210607_Ensky (Artbox) Super Mario Maker 2 (300)
313. 20210513_TOI 藝術貓系列-跨越阿爾卑斯山勝聖伯納隘口的拿破崙 (126)
312. 20210506_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-大暑 (65)
311. 20210506_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-小暑 (65)
310. 20210506_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-夏至 (65)
309. 20210505_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-芒種 (65)
308. 20210504_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-小滿 (65)
307. 20210504_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-立夏 (65)
303.304.305.306. 20210410_拼圖總動員 喵夏 貓的四大藝術 (300)
302. 20210401_Tenyo Disney Characters Collection-Dumbo (200)
301. 20210401_雷諾瓦 比得兔 胡蘿蔔的滋味 (100)
299. 20210305_Ensky (Artbox) 精靈寶可夢-花與Pokemon (300)
298. 20210228_雷諾瓦 幾米 忘憂書坊 (1008)
296. 20210206_Grafika Entrance to a Lagoon, Shore of the Amazon, 1854-1869 (300)
295. 20210204_Galison Advent Forest (1000)
294. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-穀雨 (65)
293. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-清明 (65)
292. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-春分 (65)
291. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-驚蟄 (65)
290. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-雨水 (65)
289. 20210116_海裡魚 節氣拼圖-立春 (65)
288. 20210110_TOI 舞獅 (233)
287. 20210108_TOI 紙鳶 (131)
286. 20210107_TOI 兔子燈 (100)
285. 20201224_海裡魚 達摩白白 (72)
284. 20201223_雷諾瓦 貓咪樂園 (100)
283. 20201217_Ceaco Mickey and Minnie–Sweetheart Holiday (1000)
282. 20201130_Mudpuppy Little Feminist (500)
281. 20201117_台旺文創 大宮女貓 (520)
280. 20201107_Ensky (Artbox) 鬼滅之刃 (300)
276. 20200725_Ensky (Artbox) 鬼滅之刃-水柱 (208)
275. 20200724_雷諾瓦 火紅物語 (504)
274. 20200713_雷諾瓦 戀之風景 (504)
272.273. 中國古代四大美女 Four Beauties
271. 20200628_Indigo 風從柳樹上吹來 (500)
270. 20200620_TENYO 米妮的日本現代婚禮 (1000)
269. 20200617_Apollo-sha Happiness with sheeps (300)
268. 20200610_Nathan Sakura (500)
267. 20200526_Appleone X 拼圖總動員 The Flying Home (1000)
266. 20200522_Mudpuppy Little Scientist (500)
265. 20200516_雷諾瓦 安身立命 (300)
264. 20200516_tapirs club Moomin-Welcome to Our Forest (300)
263. 20200506_Bon 棕櫚泉 Palm Springs (300)
262. 20200504_Epoch 畫家的夢想 (500)
261. 20200429_雷諾瓦 幾米 捕捉夏日 (300)
260. 20200428_時藝多媒體 稻田大腳印 (300)
258. 20200418_Artifact Puzzles Jethro Buck Forest (285)
257. 20200415_Tenyo 櫻花盛開 (300)
256. 20200331_Nathan A French woman in Saigon (1000)
254. 20200311_拼圖總動員 關東煮湯浴 (208)
253. 20200311_拼圖總動員 台灣夜市吃透透 (208)
252. 20200311_拼圖總動員 狸貓握壽司店 (208)
251. 20200308_Schmidt Illustrated Germany map (1000)
250. 20200306_Epoch 旋律 (300)
249. 20200303_Indigo The Jungle Book (108)
248. 20200301_Anatolian Cafe Randevu (500)
245. 20200225_Castorland Aphrodite's Child (1000)
244. 20200216_Gibsons Peeping Tom (500)
243. 20200215_Ravensburger Blossom Park (500)
242. 20200118_White Mountain Cats Galore (1000)
241. 20200110_Yanoman Lion Santa is here (300)
240. 20200107_Pomegranate A Day of Celebration (300)
239. 20200107_OMEGA Evening Prelude (1000)
238. 20191224_Educa Fannie (500)
237. 20191208_Beverly Penguin Island is great (300)
235. 20191120_雷諾瓦 幾米 甜蜜相聚 (1000)
233. 20191114_Beverly 麗月 ~Moonlit dance~ (300)
232. 20191113_Epoch 花影 (300)
231. 20191105_Andrews + Blaine LTD Illumination (1000)
229. 20191011_Jumbo The Kitchen (1000)
228. 20190930_Gibsons London Landmarks (1000)
226. 20190831_Clementoni New York (1008)
225. 20190816_台旺文創 Octopus 章魚 (126)
222. 20190714_Artbox 神隱少女-神秘城鎮的霓虹燈 (126)
221. 20190713_海裡魚 四季之森 Harvest Island (200)
220. 20190707_台旺文創_Quail 鵪鶉 (126)
218. 20190622_Epoch NEARGO CITY Crux (300)
217. 20190618_雷諾瓦 幾米 甜蜜婚禮 (1000)
216. 20190606_Tenyo 米奇的機械世界 (1000)
215. 20190531_Beverly Tinkerbell and Peter Pan Fly to Neverland (1000)
213. 20190516_Galison Astrology (1000)
212. 20190506_Epoch NEARGO CITY Rachel (300)
211. 20190502_Clementoni The Volcano (500)
210. 20190429_Heye Cello 兩琴相悅 (1000)
208. 20190424 Beverly Winnie The Pooh II (1000)
207. 20190417_Pintoo 輕聲細雨 (500)
205. 20190330_Ravensburger Hot Air Hero (500)
203. 20190321_Artbox (Ensky) Your Name (208)
200. 20190310_雷諾瓦 幾米 溫馨相伴 (200)
199. 20190309_Apollo-sha 夢想之車 (300)
198. 20190308_Apollo-sha 碼頭的時刻 (300)
195. 20190214_Appleone Nice to Meet You! 很高興見到你 (300)
194. 20190210_Jumbo At Home with the Gnomes (1000)
193. 20190208_Pintoo 大象親子 (300)
192. 20190208_Epoch Snoppy Balloon flight 史努比氣球飛行 (500)
191. 20190130_Epoch Snoppy Water orchestra 史努比水上樂團 (300)
190. 20190126_3H 內田新哉 Terrace (1000)
189. 20190105_3H Beethoven (500)
188. 20190102_Omega Starry Night (1000)
187. 20190101_雷諾瓦 轉角花坊 (532)
185. 20181218_Bits and Pieces Maggie and Kittens (750)
184. 20181215_Artbox My Friend the Moon (108)
183. 20181211_雷諾瓦 幾米 兔兔公車站 (300)
182. 20181119_Epoch Night (500)
181. 20181025_Beverly Italian Cafe (300)
179. 20180718_Lang Peace Garden (1000)
178. 20180714_雷諾瓦 熊熊釣魚店 (532)
177. 20180713_雷諾瓦 宵夜時刻 (207)
176. 20180612_原印文創IMIN 兔子先生喝咖啡
175. 20180611_雷諾瓦 比得兔 春季派對 (207)
174. 20180606_拼圖總動員 afu 開森多多 Happy time (500)
173. 20180603_拼圖總動員 afu 台灣小小吃 II Taiwanese gourmet II (300)
172. 20180521_拼圖總動員 afu 台灣小小吃 I Taiwanese gourmet I (300)
171. 20180518_ROAD 阿爾卑斯山的少女海蒂-鮮花盛開的山丘 (300)
170. 20180517_ROAD 阿爾卑斯山的少女海蒂-海蒂的鞦韆 (300)
169. 20180509_Appleone afu Yummy!Yummy! 相聚一刻 (300)
168. 20180501_Yanoman Stories - Classic Winnie the Pooh (500)
167. 20180426_tapirs club Moomin-Happy Birthday (300)
165. 20180421_ROAD 姆明谷的用餐派對 (300)
164. 20180420_ROAD 放鬆的時間 (300)
163. 20180419_Cuties 歌川廣重 東海道五十三次 大津 走井茶店 (300)
162. 20180418_雷諾瓦 幾米 奇異旅程 (300)
161. 20180417_Tenyo 星光幻想 (300)
160. 20180416_Appleone Afu Take a break! 向日暖森森 (300)
158. 20180406_雷諾瓦 慕夏 The Precious Stones (108)
157. 20180401_Appleone 藤城清治 線香花火 (300)
155. 20180325_拼圖總動員 貓咪城市 (1000)
154. 20180318_雷諾瓦 薰衣草田 (1008)
153. 20180314_Clementoni Andrea Tilk Opera (500)
152. 20180312_Appleone 藤城清治 引導夢的橋 (300)
151. 20180219_雷諾瓦 幾米 童話世界 (200)
150. 20180219_Epoch Honey Story (500)
149. 20171013_雷諾瓦 桐花秘境 (1008)
148. 20171009_雷諾瓦 園藝時光 (45)
147. 20170831_Schmidt Velvet Paws Cats (1500)
146. 20170830_Pintoo Alice in Wonderland - Magic Library (500)
145. 20170815_Educa Adele, Ketto (500)
144. 20170813_Pintoo 小熊維尼系列-經典維尼 (2000)
143. 20170813_WHSmith Capri Morning (500)
142. 20170812_Nathan Pink Breeze Misstigri (500)
141. 20170808_Ravensburger Vintage Flora (500)
140. 20170807_雷諾瓦 慕夏 Princess Hyacinth 風信子公主 (532)
139. 20170806_雷諾瓦 慕夏 黃道12宮(532)
138. 20170806_Ceaco Thomas Kinkade-Winnie the Pooh (750)
137. 20170803_Tenyo Disney-Pinocchio (513)
135. 20170626_Pintoo Tsum Tsum系列-點點名 (1000)
133.134. 20170622_雷諾瓦 慕夏 棕髮.金髮女郎 (300)
131. 20170607_Artbox (Ensky) ONE PIECE - 各自的回憶 (1000)
130. 20170604_ Appleone 藤城清治 薰衣草田的夢 (300)
129. 20170530_Heye Siamese 暹羅貓 (1000)
128. 20170527_D-Toys 慕夏-寶石系列 (1000)
126. 20170423_Yanoman 維尼與小豬 (300)
124. 20170415_拼圖總動員 Blue Bedroom Cats 悠閒時光 (300)
123. 20170314_雷諾瓦 慕夏 遠方的公主 (532)
122. 20170313_ Appleone 爸爸、媽媽、我 (500)
121. 20170312_Artbox(Ensky) 海賊王-綻放在寒冬的奇蹟櫻花 (56*2)
120. 20170309_Pomegranate The Voice of the City (1000)
119. 20170301_Clementoni Princess Art Nouveau (990)
118. 20170131_Artbox 龍貓-月夜的合唱隊 (300)
117. 20170130_Tenyo 小熊維尼-彩繪玻璃 (456)
116. 20170107_Apollo-sha 森林音樂會 (300)
115. 20170106_Anatolian Fortissimo (1000)
114. 20161217_閣林文創 安徒生童話 (108)
113. 20161215_Clementoni London (500)
112. 20160903_Clementoni Elephant (500)
111. 20160831_雷諾瓦 天堂之路-台東池上 (1008)
110. 20160828_雷諾瓦 Bill bell 祥龍獻瑞 (1000)
109. 20160822_Gibson Cats on Holiday (504)
108. 20160821_雷諾瓦 Bill bell 星宿魔法 (1000)
107. 20160817_雷諾瓦 慕夏 名流饗宴 (1000)
106. 20160806_雷諾瓦 Bill bell 原來如此 (1000)
105. 20160803_ 雷諾瓦 孔雀開屏 (1000)
104. 20160726_ Wentworth London,The Thames with View of the City of St.Paul (250)
103. 20160724_ Clementoni Mantegna - Ceiling Oculus (500)
102. 20160722_Impuzzle & Paper Lavender (500)
101. 20160721_Artbox 龍貓-漫步雲端 (300)
100. 20160720_Apollo-sha Bonquet of Thanks (300)
99. 20160719_Apollo-sha Rainbow of Smile (300)
98. 20160718_Appleone afu Party Party! 森林狂歡派對 (300)
97. 20160618_Puzzle life Hoshi and Tsuki 星華與月華
96. 20160616_雷諾瓦 夢幻派對 (1000)
95. 20160613_Puzzle Life Korean Dancer (500)
94. 20160606_雷諾瓦 巴黎大道 Paris Boulevard (300)
93. 20160605_雷諾瓦 Gaspard et Lisa 麗莎與卡斯柏-浪漫巴黎 (300)
92. 20160604_Tenyo なんとなく しあわせ 小熊維尼-在一起的伙伴 (500)
91. 20160603_Pomegranate Peacocks and Peonies II(500)
90. 20160601_Apollo-sha Peanuts-Forest of Woodstock (450)
89. 20160515_Pomegranate The kiss (300)
88. 20160513_Tenyo Disney 星際寶貝-彩繪玻璃 (266)
87. 20160511_雷諾瓦 星夜旅程 (504)
86. 20160509_雷諾瓦 悠游綠海 (532)
85. 20160428_雷諾瓦 仰望天空 (300)
(2) 84. 20160427_雷諾瓦 月亮出來了 (300)
83. 20160426_Appleone 福釣小童 (500)
82. 20160425_雷諾瓦 天國的煙火 (300)
81. 20160422_雷諾瓦 史奴比-鵬程萬里 (204)
80. 20160418_雷諾瓦 漫遊田野趣-台東池上 (520)
79. 20160418_ Yanoman 長岡的花火 (1000)
78. 20160412_Sunsout Now That’s Art! (500)
77. 20160325_Wentworth Puzzle that Made Easter (300)
76. 20160322_Heye Hello Submarine (750)
75. 20160314 Buffalo games The Talking Jigsaw Puzzle-The Office Building (560)
74. 20160308_Pintoo 曬屁屁(200)
73. 20160228_Heye Napoleon’s Winter (2000)
72. 20160218_Heye Sailors (1000)
71. 20160214_Yanoman London Tower Bridge (1000)
70. 20160209_Appleone afu 我回來了 (300)
69. 20160208_Appleone afu 森林的演奏會(300)
68. 20160207_Tenyo Disney Pooh Moon Light (300)
67. 20160203_Wentworth Clans and Families of Scotland (250)
66. 20160202_Springbok / Gone With The Wind (2000)
65. 20160126_Sunsout The Four Seasons (1000)
64. 20151228_海裡魚-舞台的瞬間-120p
63. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/A Joint Effort 同心協力/migsaid 米各說 (207pcs)
62. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Porky Pig/Looney Tunes (108pcs)
61. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Tweety/Looney Tunes (108pcs)
60. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Happy Birthday Party/SNOOPY™ (300pcs)
59. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/The Little Tailor 小小裁縫師 /Peter Rabbit™ (96pcs)
58. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Embrace 愛的擁抱/Beatrix Potter™ (54pcs)
57. 20151217_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Love Kid 最愛小孩/Jimmy 幾米 (300pcs)
56. 20151120_New York Puzzle Company Peter Rabbit Character Vignettes (500)
55. 20151118_Pomegranate THE DANCE (100)
53.20151113_SunsOut Bear Tracks (500)
52. 20151111_SunsOut Bear Pause (500)
49. 20151012 Tenyo/Disney Brilliant Princess (108pcs)
48.20151011_Renoir-Jade Mountain (Yushan) (1000)
47. 20150929_Yanoman Whispering Of Forest (300)
46. 20150927_雷諾瓦 銀兔賀歲 (108)
45. 20150923-0924_Puzzle Life 白虎圖 (500)
44. 20150921-0923_Heye space (1000)
43. 20150911-0914_Renoir 浪漫咖啡館 (1000)
42. 20150908_Chamberart Resurrection(500)
40. 20150823_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Create Time 創作時刻/Jimmy 幾米 (54pcs)
39. 20150823_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Treasures 星光寶盒/Jimmy 幾米 (54pcs)
38. 20150823_Renoir 雷諾瓦/Study Group 動物讀書會/Jimmy 幾米 (108pcs)
37. 20150823_Puzzle Life Aquarius (500)
36. 20150821_Omega The Times of the Day (500)
35. 20150817_Bien Puzzle Korean bride (500)
34. 20150807_Beverly 世界遺產大集合 (1000)
32. 20150731_Wentworth / A girl with a kitten (140)
30. 20150719_Sonsout / The Dream
29. 20150716_雷諾瓦 幾米 完美小孩 (300)
28. 20150709_Lafayette Puzzle Factory - Mermaid Paradise (Holographic) (1000)
27. 20150701_雷諾瓦 四季迷情 吉斯凱‧尤科 (924)
26. 20150626_雷諾瓦 櫻花樹下 (532)
25. 20150613_Pintoo August-心鼻貓 (28)
24. 20150612_Pintoo 滑鼠墊 (100)
22. 20150531_Elite gift boxes Antique Cats-Alphabet 字母古董貓 (100)
21. 20150523_Mega Puzzles Disney Princess Belle Circa 1991 (504)
20. 20150521_Elite gift boxes Antique Cats-China 瓷器古董貓 (100)
19. 20150510_HEYE PEKING DUCK (1000)
18. 20150428_Pomegranate 紐約鳥 (1000)
17. 20150419_Eskey 沖繩限定艾路貓 (150)
16. 20150416_Tenyo-Beauty and the Beast-Magic of Love (108)
15. 20150409_Castorland Hoot (1500)
14. 20150408_Tenyo-Beauty and the Beast Sunset Waltz (456)
13. 20150318_雷諾瓦 鯨魚的假期 幾米Jimmy
12. 20150307_Ceaco Ivory Cats - Angel's Tapestry (300)
10. 20150219-0220_新世紀 stairs kitty (520)
09. 20150209_雷諾瓦 樂在棋中 (49)
08. 20150207-0208_Clementoni L Antico Sigillo(500)
07. 20150122-0124_Pomegranate GALLEON TILE PANEL WILLIAM DE MORGAN (1000)
06. 20150115_Appleone 月亮與貓頭鷹 (500)
05. 20141231_Pintoo Colin Thompson 諾亞方舟(500)
04. 20141021_Tenyo Disney Stitch (513)
03. 20141017_Educa 彩繪巴塞隆納 (1500)
01. 20140825_百耘圖 ONE PIECE (1000)