Iqon DK: DSC_3027
Iqon DK: And a sun rise somewhere between Boise and Denver concludes this exciting album.
Iqon DK: "Take some photos of me posing in the mirror"... well, there you go, dear little brother.
Iqon DK: This is yet another photo request from Benjamin.
Iqon DK: Flower.
Iqon DK: A bit more water.
Iqon DK: Benjamin, about to walk across old, red bridge.
Iqon DK: Dad, smiling!
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Iqon DK: DSC_2983
Iqon DK: Wet dogs.
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Iqon DK: Keith and dogs... again.
Iqon DK: Well, at least they have tried to use the trash can.
Iqon DK: Benjamin for some reason wanted me to pretend I was taking a photo of him while actually getting a picture of this kid dressed as a duck... creepy.
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Iqon DK: Benjamin enjoying the beautiful, beautiful view from this well placed bench.
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Iqon DK: DSC_2969
Iqon DK: Sun and river.
Iqon DK: Benjamin, in front of river.
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Iqon DK: Benjamin, with yellow background.