domova7: Monnaie du pape
domova7: Les petits ballons
Linda DV: Nymphaea
domova7: Petit miroir
gcampbellphoto: The Snout (Hypena proboscidalis)
Gary Vause: Bee Eater
scandan780: Double Crested Cormorant
creaturesnapper: Golden Plover --- Pluvialis apricaria
christianeleouet1: Cache-cache....
divemecressi: Phyllodesmium iriomotense
barbmerrill2: Snow Bunting
hedera.baltica: Red squirrel
Hugo von Schreck: Tagpfauenauge (Aglais io)
barbmerrill2: Snow Bunting
Jaume Bobet: Aricia cramera
booksin: bubbly #1
Nancy G. Patterson: Red Gerbera
BrianPrune: Infinite Swirl
Nina Morrow: We're Over...
thomas100: Fadhillah
Steve W3: Kakadu Trip
Marc ALMECIJA: Sympetrum de Fonscolombe
joerg2019: Heidelberg without tourists
chihwei.wu: 自然光
hedera.baltica: House sparrow
Einstein1976: Dice for Macro Mondays
ZazaLake: Untitled
Peter Orford: A place of beauty
Peter Orford: Blackrock Castle Cork Ireland