invisibleElement: Coming this Friday! All original #inktober2015 illustrations will be available for purchase at #blackfridaysale #blackfriday
invisibleElement: Experimenting a bit with adding color to a few illustrations from my #inktober MASKS series. Loving how it brings Vader to life! Should I color some more? #darthvader #theforceawakens #drawing
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 31/31 - MASKS - Darth Vader. "Luke, help me take...this mask off...just for once...let me look on you with my own eyes." #darthvader #theforceawakens #kyloren
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 30/31 - MASKS - The Joker. In my opinion, Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight is the best! #joker #batman #darkknight
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 29/31 MASKS - The merc with a mouth : Deadpool. #marvel #deadpool
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 28/31 - MASKS - Ant Man. #marvelcomics #antman #theavengers
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 27/31 - MASKS - Boba Fett. "He's no good to me dead". Boba will always be one of my favorite characters in the #starwars universe. #bobafett
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 26/31 : MASKS - Predator. "Get to the chopper!" #arnoldschwarzenegger
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 25/31 - MASKS - Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. #marvelcomics #spiderman
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 24/31 - MASKS - Death Eater / Bellatrix Lestrange. "I killed Sirius Black!" #harrypotter #bellatrix
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 23/31 - MASKS - Immortan Joe of Mad Max : Fury Road. "Where must we go, we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves?" -The First History Man #madmax #immortanjoe
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 22/31 - MASKS - Matt Trakker from the 80's cartoon M.A.S.K. Obscure, yet appropriate for the series. Who remembers this show?
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 21/31 - MASKS - Darth Vader, an extra terrestrial from the planet Vulcan.... I mean Marty McFly. Back to the Future is still one of the greatest trilogies! Happy Back To The Future Day! #bttfday #martymcfly #backtothefuture #michaeljfox
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 20/31 - MASKS - Michaelangelo. He's the party dude. I've been having fun revisiting these characters I grew up with - I hope you have too! Who is your favorite ninja turtle? #michaelangelo #tmnt
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 19/31 - MASKS - Captain Phasma. With only two months until the release of The Force Awakens, Phasma has easily become one of my favorite characters - let alone favorite to draw! #starwars #theforceawakens #captainphasma #jjabrams
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 18/31 - MASKS - V for Vendetta. "Beneath this mask is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof." #vforvendetta
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 17/31 - MASKS - Wolverine. My homage to the amazing Mr. Jim Lee @jimleeart. His rendition of #Wolverine and the #X-Men will always be the best in my book! #marvel
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 16/31 - MASKS - Casey Jones from the 1990 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. "And THIS is the penalty. Two minutes for slashing...two minutes for hooking..." #tmnt #caseyjones
invisibleElement: #inktober2015 : 15/31 - MASKS - Princess Mononoke. #miyazaki
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 14/31 - MASKS - Cobra Commander, supreme leader of Cobra and number one enemy of the G.I. Joes. "Knowing is half the battle." #yojoe #gijoe #cobra
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 13/31 - MASKS - Catwoman from Batman Returns. #Catwoman #hearmeroar #batman
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 12/31 - MASKS - Star-Lord... "Star Lord man, the legendary outlaw? Forget it..." #guardiansofthegalaxy
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 11/31 - MASKS - The Rocketeer. "I like it!" - Cliff Secord. #Disney
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 10/31 - MASKS - Daredevil otherwise known as the man in the mask. One of the best original series to hit #netflix! #daredevil #marvelcomics
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 10/31 - MASKS - Daredevil otherwise known as the man in the mask. One of the best original series to hit #netflix! #daredevil #marvelcomics
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 9/31 - MASKS - Harley Quinn. "Call me Harley! Everyone does!" The Joker's number one henchwoman. #batman #joker
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 8/31 - MASKS - Shredder! "Tonight I dine on turtle soup." #tmnt #ninjaturtles
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 7/31 - MASKS - Yokai from Big Hero 6. "This won't change anything. Trust me. I know." - Hiro. #inktober #masks #bighero6 #disney
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 6/31 - MASKS - Iron Patriot. #Marvel #masks #inktober
invisibleElement: #Inktober2015 : 5/31 - MASKS - Ash Fox - "You should probably put your bandit hat on now. Personally I don't have one but I modified this tube sock." #fantasticmrfox #masks #inktober