Malang*: Repaint Disney Animators Collection Tangled
Steven Lev Art and Photography: Sakura Matsuri 20140011
Steven Lev Art and Photography: Sakura Matsuri 20140009
Lisa_Anne*: Hujoo sisters
*jadepixel: Raine - custom hdd-01
bimong11: flickr
venecja1: Misae - Lyse Lillycat Cerisedolls
kika-bi: ^___^
nabarro88: faceup
Sakura Dragonhearth: Tiny Delf Alice, Louis, Hansel (Sara)
nabarro88: 夜九
em`lia: Inamorata Repaint by Hendra
silje's boutique: Kassandra 119
伊瑟: 朵麗/夏朵
Nesladkaya_N: DSCN9428
nabarro88: faceup
nabarro88: faceup
nabarro88: faceup
*jadepixel: jadepixel school for catgirls
Robbin With 2 Bs: AOD Girl for Rachel, Faceup by Robbin
koroa: Ginger & Co.
maiyaeh: RS Jun 02
kitty bee: deer blythe commission
MiniVega: Spooky
MiniVega: [DOLL CHATEAU Olivia] Fullset pour le LDOLL
caracal0407: DSC00892
Ranchan100: Lati Yellow Bayer WoO (light tan) - Luts Tiny Delf Alice (ns) - Fairyland Pukifee Luna (ns)