inrsoul: Pool vibes.
inrsoul: Made in one piece.
inrsoul: Entered the Darkness for a bit there...
inrsoul: Driver is driving like he stole the damn van. 😡
inrsoul: Day Zero.
inrsoul: Some mornings be like...
inrsoul: Imagine you’re a steakhouse and this is all you have to show for your work. And also true love is rare but a good steak is not fucking raw.
inrsoul: A random beer tonight.
inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Mmmmmm......
inrsoul: Of things to come...
inrsoul: Ok. After all that good looking food. Here’s a photo of Hannah. Just to balance things out.
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inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Photo
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inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: Oysters. ‘Nuff said.
inrsoul: And also impromptu date night!
inrsoul: Also Jasmine IPA @ Pasteur Street Brewing Company!!
inrsoul: The best sort of dinner meeting; one that involves some fine German wine. Courtesy of Rheinland-Pfalz in Vietnam, Schmidt Vinothek Hanoi, WeWein
inrsoul: First game, first round, first win, first time in Vietnam. #mahjong
inrsoul: Sometimes it’s just the simple & mundane... #cakecollective
inrsoul: Heck, when I invest in our equipment, my clients win and my cats get good photos too. #cakecollective
inrsoul: Photo
inrsoul: A random outtake from this evening's shoot at Pasteur Street Brewing Company. Can't share anything yet. Guess y'all have to wait to see. #foodphotography #productphotography #corporatephotography #beerphotography #beerdontlie #cakecollective