kei Watanabe: Japanese katydid
Sunburst2001: Volcan
kei Watanabe: ISE-EBI
Sunburst2001: Félix le chat
kaede1969: Carp
o'sorigami: ...........
Joseph Wu Origami: Bought a Chinese-made soldering iron. Probably should have read this BEFORE I bought it...
kei Watanabe: Double-lined fusilier
Cường Origami: Chim Lạc - Vietnamese Legendary Heron
Kyohei Katsuta: Cyclommatus metallifer/メタリフェルホソアカクワガタ
Kyohei Katsuta: Small Elephant/ぞうさん
Jeong Jaeil: Jaguar Designed by me
Jeong Jaeil: Jaguar Designed by me
kei Watanabe: Great Cormorant
Kota Imai: コーカサスオオカブト 創作:僕 折り手:僕
kei Watanabe: White-tailed eagle
Kyohei Katsuta: Gorilla/ゴリラ
Kyohei Katsuta: Gorilla/ゴリラ
kaede1969: Neptunus beetle 2.0 (test)
origami joel: byzantine
Sunburst2001: Triton
Kyohei Katsuta: Red panda/レッサーパンダ
origami joel: thetis 3
Kyohei Katsuta: Fennec fox/フェネック
Kyohei Katsuta: Fennec fox/フェネック
juhyeongkim: Buddhist monk
mehjg: My origami is going to the dogs
Rui.Roda: Shih Tzu - Seth Friedman
Tom Crain Origami: Mounted and ready to display