ana_yeah: De la vida se aprende a dejar que te pique el mosquito para que deje de chingar.
ana_yeah: I accidentally swallowed a Crest White strip. How's your morning?
ana_yeah: Al mejor y al peor momento del día sólo los separan unas sábanas.
ana_yeah: Ojalá lo perdonen al cabrón. I hope they forgive him.
ana_yeah: Estaba triste y mi amiga me ofreció su hombro para desahogarme. Me adora. ~~~ I was sad & my friend offered her shoulder to console me. She adores me.
ana_yeah: Need I say more?
ana_yeah: Se me hizo fácil venirme al gym así
ana_yeah: Putazo de nostalgia para todos!
ana_yeah: You know you are poor when... ~~~ Te das cuenta que eres pobre cuando...
ana_yeah: I asked for an iPhone 5
ana_yeah: Ser millonario, nivel:
ana_yeah: People who give hickeys above the age of 16 should be sentenced to mouth jail.
ana_yeah: Got this cool new sign for my bedroom.
ana_yeah: I killed her
ana_yeah: Exorcist.
ana_yeah: Perfecta condición.
ana_yeah: My lady
ana_yeah: pics
ana_yeah: pics
ana_yeah: pics
ana_yeah: galveston
ana_yeah: niko
ana_yeah: feet
ana_yeah: no porn
ana_yeah: sand
ana_yeah: JameZ and I
ana_yeah: Jammie and I
ana_yeah: carro
ana_yeah: chrissy
ana_yeah: carneliop