infraredherring: Video Dec 05, 12 02 49 AM
infraredherring: Playing with filters
infraredherring: Playing with filters
infraredherring: The best slot machine evar!
infraredherring: Castle on the strip in Las Vegas
infraredherring: Beautiful Friday afternoon
infraredherring: Tiny delicious mince pies
infraredherring: Family New Years Eve Dinner
infraredherring: In n Out Fix
infraredherring: My cuddle-monster hugging my arm as he sleeps...
infraredherring: Whimsyshire cupcakes
infraredherring: Still the most rockin' woman in the world.
infraredherring: Nom nom nom
infraredherring: Guess what, @maggie1000 ?
infraredherring: California, land of the amazing sunsets
infraredherring: Mike and his mint chocolate shake
infraredherring: Waffle sandwiches?!
infraredherring: Salmon and herbed cream cheese waffle sandwich
infraredherring: Obligatory food porn shot
infraredherring: Chicken dinner
infraredherring: Winner, winner
infraredherring: Giant kittehs!!
infraredherring: Taking a quick break on the way down from terrible traffic
infraredherring: undefined
infraredherring: Look who curled up in bed with me this morning...
infraredherring: Our sun roof on a distinctly non-sunny day