Luiz Lapa: Fuselo & Pilrito-de-peito-preto, "em descolagem abrupta..." Bar-tailed Godwit & Common Dunlin, "at abrupt and positive take-off..."
riddance77: Misty autumn morning
sberkley123: Rodeo Alight IX
zebrazoma: my buffalo
AurelioZen: Windswept (Vlieland)
Rob Schop: Evenings at Texel
Nini Kraan: The bridge
Wim Boon Fotografie: Vallée de la Hoëgne this autumn Morning Silence II
robertosivieri: MISTY MORNING HILLS (02-11-2024-Explored)
Don Oppedijk: 20241019-0903-06
sevdelinkata: Есен над язовира в Таваличево
.MARTINE.: Mr.S. 1
Estelle Fleury: Parc ostréicole
zebrazoma: In mutation
dejott1708: Manarola at Blue Hour
Renate van den Boom: Cragside, Northumberland
robbifoto1: Infinito
yoko.wannwannmaru: 夕暮れのコスモス畑にたなびく雲 Cosmos field at dusk and windmill
Harald Flechtner: Lighthouse Obereversand
MarieHBB: elbe 19.0 (1 sur 1)
janenlon: Landscape
janenlon: Scottish highlands
janenlon: The tree
janenlon: The Highlands
annabulka: Autumn Forest -Padley Gore Peak District
Dyrk.Wyst: weT weB