Nik!: civetta
reurinkjan: Pin Valley National Park, India 2016
Niall Corbet: Qutab Minar, Delhi
Abulafia82: L'ultima Via Lattea dell'anno? / The Last Milky Way of the Year?
Oleg Bartunov: Free as a bird
flaviodeno: Venezia
Pascal.du64: Lueurs ! Ben nevis (Crédit R.Thivel)
Fabio Luffarelli: Mare o montagna?
Finsty: La nord-est
Nicholas Gregori: Predjamski Grad (520 m. Castel Lueghi) with 100 cm fresh snow! (Internal Karst, Carso Interno, Notranjska)
Dominique Palombieri: Sunrise in Monument Valley - The Mittens - Arizona
Mono Andes: Otra del Taulliraju
chripell: La magnifica vista dalla cima
mikemellinger: Chimborazo-Volcano-Ecuador
doug k of sky: from the godwin-austen glacier
Gregelope: Taigetos Mountains in the snow
reurinkjan: Tse Podrang "Summit Palace" is another name for the Potala Palace, Tibet
bob_52: saturday morning
E. Sofos: Thinking Cervino
reurinkjan: Zhara Lhatse 5820m a sacred Mountain at sunset, Tibet
reurinkjan: the Cho la ri Range ཏྲོལ་རི་རྒྱུད།,Tibet
Katarina 2353: Light and shadow (ice cream with chocolate chips:)))(Please press "L")
newnumenor: WEC 129
newnumenor: ECC 178
newnumenor: ECC 170
newnumenor: ECC 166
newnumenor: ECC 145
newnumenor: ECC 122