Image Color: Everyone is trying to hit the jackpot. Run... Its a trap
Image Color: Melhor momento do dia =} @patriciacarujo bjo
Image Color: Illustration for a Dj duo ^___^
Image Color: Another Detail feom previous work. :)
Image Color: #vscocam illustration details
Image Color: Detalhe =}
Image Color: What lies beneath =} For Artshow running at @studioteambox till nov 28th
Image Color: #discover illustration for Hippienosia artshow @studioteambox
Image Color: Poster gig =}
Image Color: Roaar =}} release the freak
Image Color: Thus far!! =} aInda falta tanto T_T #illustration #drawing #ink #inking #dot #madness #going #forthewin #ftw #insane #detail
Image Color: Dot only =} #dot #ink #artefinal #illustration #drawing #dream #female #muse #arte #imagine #inked
Image Color: Little sneakpk. #illustration #creative #creativity #pattern #ornament #nature #imagine #surreal #naturalism #tattoo #tattoodesign
Image Color: Ilustração feita em colab. com Maurocarmelino =}
Image Color: X____x Ensaio sobre a criatividade.
Image Color: Graphismos
Image Color: Trying to master randomness :))
Image Color: Raise and shine... Morning push ups =}
Image Color: #FF check @kristinfarr amazing work. Her colors are a #inspiration
Image Color: Ja estamos a acabar... finalmente. :). foi mesmo uma experiencia brutal por td que deu para experimentar, aprender e tb pelo pessoal td q conhecemos e partilhamos a o diadia. ✊
Image Color: Keedz playing xD
Image Color: Break away from the loop. ✊
Image Color: Photocredit: Nelson. ^^
Image Color: ✊no ultimo dia da pontura ^^
Image Color: Dissolve
Image Color: Coincidências engraçadas ^_^
Image Color: Two angels that helped us paint the typographic mural for a social neighbourhood ^^ #bairroiomundo
Image Color: Master your body, expand your mind, purify your soul.rise above circumstances!! =} random paged from sketchbook
Image Color: Ação =} @mauro em grande