imarsman: Looking down from the Cisco office
imarsman: Small waterfall
imarsman: Hydro towers
imarsman: Trail at night
imarsman: Trees at night
imarsman: Pizza
imarsman: Oak tree
imarsman: Fionn in woods
imarsman: End of trail
imarsman: Mixed forest
imarsman: Oak leaf
imarsman: Beech leaf
imarsman: Bitternut hickory nuts
imarsman: Oddly shaped maple leaves
imarsman: Fall forest
imarsman: Sassafras leaf. We couldn’t find the tree but this means there are two spots where these trees grow.
imarsman: Fungus
imarsman: Maples
imarsman: Walnut tree
imarsman: Maple leaf on ironwood
imarsman: Maples and incidentally Lewis
imarsman: Lewis at edge of field
imarsman: Sassafras trees
imarsman: Focaccia and spaghetti
imarsman: Focaccia
imarsman: Hickory tree
imarsman: Swamp white oak
imarsman: Bitternut hickory nut
imarsman: Red maple
imarsman: White pine in field