kiberi: "It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box...
kiberi: colourless crayon
kiberi: colour in order
kiberi: peace and quiet
kiberi: engagement ring
kiberi: the heart of the rose
kiberi: matchsticks
kiberi: telling time
kiberi: skaters and shadows
kiberi: toad
kiberi: an afternoon treat
kiberi: faith in the sky
kiberi: hunger
kiberi: hands and feet
kiberi: full of character
kiberi: a whimsical look
kiberi: thinking...
kiberi: three women, six feet
kiberi: feet
kiberi: sleeping
kiberi: 10km high in the Andean mountains
kiberi: a boy and his horse
kiberi: hello little girl, why are you sad?
kiberi: a truckload
kiberi: the flower lady
kiberi: longing for love