Noreen U: Fringed Lily
Dis da fi we: Bare-legged owl (Margarobyas lawrencii) - Holguín Province, Cuba - Feb 2019
Dis da fi we: Cuban tody (Todus multicolor) - Holguín Province, Cuba - Feb 2019
Oliveira Pires: Accipiter gentilis
Oliveira Pires: Aquila chrysaetos
Oliveira Pires: Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Oliveira Pires: Pyrrhula pyrrhula
Oliveira Pires: Buteo buteo
Oliveira Pires: Jynx torquilla
Oliveira Pires: Upupa epops
Oliveira Pires: Accipiter gentilis
Oliveira Pires: Aquila fasciata juv.
Judylynn M.: Returning Home !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Judylynn M.: A Burst Of Color !!!!!!!!!!
dshoning: In for a Landing
651412: White on white
Gus McNab: Mallee Emu-wren (Stipiturus mallee)
Theo Locher: Cape Glossy Starling -5539
Theo Locher: African Fish-Eagle -7089
Theo Locher: Helmeted Guineafowl -7456
Remote Expeditions (Tristan Quevilly): Kogui Indigenous - Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta colombia - Ezua Mozua
bilska.anna: Male Redstart
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Chloroceryle aenea
Wildlife and nature - Colombia: Chrysomus icterocephalus
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Tigrisoma lineatum
Carlos Alberto Arias A.: Clorophonia cyanocephala ♂
Glenn Bartley - Scarlet-headed Blackbird (Amblyramphus holosericeus)
Glenn Bartley - Violet-crowned Woodnymph (Thalurania columbica)