im.mick: Wolf Spider...
im.mick: Cook the cover... #tastemagcover
im.mick: Steve was told not to go out into the woods alone...
im.mick: Even in the presence of others he was completely alone.
im.mick: It was the clown in the middle...
im.mick: Negativity leads to a lack of creativity.
im.mick: Kurt.
im.mick: “Money can't buy happiness" is can - if even just for a moment. What it can’t do is replace the emptiness, bitterness and regret that life leaves you with. That stays. Even with the money.
im.mick: Portrait of an (ex)friend...
im.mick: What I value most in my friends is loyalty.
im.mick: chilli
im.mick: Chilli Harvest...
im.mick: Downtime on the moon.
im.mick: Corporal Jackie Cooper...
im.mick: First decent sized spider I've seen in a long time...
im.mick: First decent sized spider I've seen in a long time...
im.mick: Not many spiders in my place these days...
im.mick: 2013 New Years Resolutions
im.mick: Merry Christmas!
im.mick: We crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow.
im.mick: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And Zombies.
im.mick: Proving that owning a guitar makes me a musician no more than owning a camera makes me a photographer...
im.mick: Untitled...
im.mick: Redundancy
im.mick: Sunrise...
im.mick: Being a hero is about the shortest-lived profession on earth.
im.mick: He get's a skirt. Elite.
im.mick: Unwanted.
im.mick: Yo Ho Sebastian!
im.mick: May the Fourth... May the Force... Sounds like some kind of bad pun.... Oh wait... It is.