junku: #ねこ #猫 #cat #ねこ部
HYURO: detail...Moteleone di Puglia, Italy 2016.
hexá: Pinot
okthavio: #movie #gummo #90 #cult
masaoms: Xino and home morning light #alamore #masaoms #xinothemightycat #homesweethome #catsofinstagram #goodmorning
masaoms: Arrow silver ring, flying to a new home! // Anell de fletxa de plata, viatjant a una nova llar! #masaoms #martaoms #handmadejewelry #sterlingsilver #arrow #arrowring #silverarrow #bohojewelry #etsyjewelry #joies #joieria #joiesbarcelona #fetama #anellplat
masaoms: Feather earrings back at my store, only a few in stock before christmas! // Arracades de plomes de nou a la meva botiga, només unes quantes en estoc abans de Nadal! #masaoms #martaoms #handmadejewelry #sterlingsilver #featherearrings #feather #silverfeath
Susana Carrie: dragao-1
masaoms: Do you remember this Moon phases ring? I have another moon like this and I'm planning to make a new ring/pendant with it, anyone is interested? 😉 // Recordeu aquest anell amb les fases de la Lluna? Tinc una altra lluna com aquesta per fer un altre an
Alan MacKenzie: High Weald Forest
HYURO: ¨Vestirse y desvestirse...acción que se repite¨ (Dress and undress ... action that is repeated) Watercolor on paper- Two pieces 70x100 cm. each one- 2015.
Susana Carrie: bato chupitos
Rub y Tuesda y: Trabajo Final Tipografía I!