KPortin: Clouds and Rain
KPortin: Winter Sunset
Thüncher Photography: Florida Life: Tidal Pool
Margret Maria Cordts: foggy coastline rocks and cypress
KPortin: Busch Family Cemetery
mj.foto: Starry Winter Night
Margret Maria Cordts: dewdrops on purple iris unfurling - macro
Nutmeg 69: PENM0076v copy
EdBob: Admiralty Head Lighthouse
Ken Folwell: lava mountain-11-26-11
Ben Chase Photography: Southern Idaho Sun
Margret Maria Cordts: colorful anemone at the Aquarium
David M. Cobb: Three Sisters Sunrise
Bird runner: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Dylan MacMaster: Goodnight Sawtooths!
Christolakis: Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together....
TravelBakerCounty: Baker County Tourism – 10078
Josh Kulla Photography: Oh, The Stories You Could Tell
Greg Vaughn: Tronsen Ridge Wildflowers
david g schultz: Spinnakers and Mt. Baker
photomateur1: Boucle d'or
Sylvia...Sometimes: Abundance...
by @nton: myanmar
nick_scotcher: DSC09483a (Explore 14/4/13)
just1snap: On the wings of a swan
FreeSpirit5: Cautious Landing on Ice
S.R.Murphy: The Beach and the Tower