HIWalkerPhoto: norm and damien
HIWalkerPhoto: dave r and visitors
HIWalkerPhoto: norm speaking
HIWalkerPhoto: dave r speaking
HIWalkerPhoto: dave u speaking
HIWalkerPhoto: norm and jay
HIWalkerPhoto: dave and visitors 1
HIWalkerPhoto: dave and visitors
HIWalkerPhoto: bus and gate
HIWalkerPhoto: group shot 2
HIWalkerPhoto: the gate opens
HIWalkerPhoto: dave u directing
HIWalkerPhoto: group shot 1
HIWalkerPhoto: unlocking the gate
HIWalkerPhoto: Longmire
HIWalkerPhoto: Small Cascade
HIWalkerPhoto: Mt Rainier
HIWalkerPhoto: Grand Park
HIWalkerPhoto: cascade asters
HIWalkerPhoto: Bunchberry Dogwood
HIWalkerPhoto: Sunrise at Tipsoo Lake
HIWalkerPhoto: autumn leaves
HIWalkerPhoto: water & rocks
HIWalkerPhoto: vine maples
HIWalkerPhoto: autumn weed
HIWalkerPhoto: DeLeo Wall 3
HIWalkerPhoto: Shadow on Snow
HIWalkerPhoto: Exbidition to the Mountain 3
HIWalkerPhoto: Exbidition to the Mountain 2
HIWalkerPhoto: Exbidition to the Mountain