ValderramaPhoto: Sunflare
Artiom Ponkratenko: I'll wait!
samantha.covert: wrapped snug
Tiffany Bender:
Hanndula: pampelišková
samantha.covert: Please come "like" me on Facebook!! :))
ValderramaPhoto: Newborn Portrait
Rjacobsen: Charred-Tree-2
jennweisphotography: i ♥ sunflare
SemiCharmedLife (☯): Standing Next to the Fountain of Youth (#1)
Joyful Reflections: Project52Wk35 - "The lazy hazy days of summer"
Yankees Man: Grrrr.....
Yankees Man: Gimme, gimme, I'm not a slacker.
Javier Huanay: The Ringling Museum of Art 3 HDR B&W
Yankees Man: Titan's True Love......the kids, and his ball
Schlape: Delicioso!
davedehetre: peacock storm reflection
ir guy: KS/CO border 6-18-11