Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Cloud.... but the type that only exists in my head....
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Nearly nearly done... one more morning left
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Done for the day! One day left!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Todays progress! No monday blues yet. Painting must be the answer!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Tired as foook! Another day to go i think..
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Mucking around with a commission!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: The Big Bang! Been a bit of a recluse on the artistic front. Heres a piece while I prepare for my big show next year....
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: My collection of toys for reference is growing!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Very intelligent chicken!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Cubehead being put to work
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Another oldie but a goldie! Ain't seen this in a while. Quite like it, which is not normal for me, I think I shall do some more in this style actually
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: An Oldie but a goldie! Wee Fishy Wishy.
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: An experiment in pattern overload I've been wanting to try out. What you think... too much....?
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Yarrrghh! C'est finished....
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Had so much fun drawing lego pirate I wanted to do a painting! This is for an upcoming group show I'm taking part in called SOOPERSWEET!
Matthew Knight's Wittle Wascal's: Tintin,Haddock,Calculus and Snowy!