My work was blogged about by @mariarozaliafinna on the Curvy blog!! http://curvy-world.com/2013/01/shuttle-cake-adventures/
Hello! "Shuttle Cakes" zine is here ! $10 in person. $10 etsy, tomorrow. $10-?? elsewhere soon.
More than half of my vintage hanger collection started in 2007 --- I'm desperately seeking the "Susi" hanger. She has short black hair and bangs. --- check out my panoramic photo of this wall also ...
More than half of my vintage hanger collection started in 2007, with the panoramic photo option. --- I've been desperately seeking the "Susi" hanger since then. She has short black hair and bangs.
new Worn Fashion Journal logo design (top), saying goodbye to 4 year old illustration (bottom). http://wornjournal.com Contest on my page to win a subscription! http://m.facebook.com/pages/Susan-Belle/7402689846
Shuttle Cakes cover ! ! ! Top-right : space dust, bottom-right : hand drawn shuttle cakes, bottom-left : hand drawn fonts, top-left : back & front cover. (photo has more contrast for better understanding)