*Illary*: Carosello, un' infanzia ritrovata
*Illary*: primi passi
*Illary*: Naso all' insù
*Illary*: la séduction
*Illary*: come back to the 70's
*Illary*: Alla scoperta di antichi sapori
*Illary*: find the heart
*Illary*: woven protective
*Illary*: from the stories of Jane
*Illary*: dreaming Japan
*Illary*: architecture "under the influence of drugs"
*Illary*: lì, sola ad aspettare...
*Illary*: natural sunset
*Illary*: oscillando
*Illary*: when I was a child
*Illary*: riflesso glaciale
*Illary*: sfiorando le rive
*Illary*: fragili acque nero petrolio
*Illary*: sulle rive della Neve
*Illary*: allure dans la neige
*Illary*: la fille de la neige
*Illary*: danza dei fiocchi di neve
*Illary*: My new May
*Illary*: Vespucci
*Illary*: trois mademoiselle
*Illary*: abat jour
*Illary*: rain on the spider web
*Illary*: how long until you have your freedom?
*Illary*: streamers confetti graduation