Ikayama: 20150503_083329_HDR
Ikayama: watercoloring on thin paper...
Ikayama: Check out this rad spider capturing this fly.
Ikayama: It's a bad picture, but I am pretty excited that spiders have made my fig plant their home. It was hanging out on this fig but I must have scared it
Ikayama: opuntia
Ikayama: Garden orb weaver
Ikayama: I am pretty excited
Ikayama: Against my better judgement...
Ikayama: Woodland creature
Ikayama: Back to watercoloring.
Ikayama: Vampire outfit selfie
Ikayama: It grew so fast!
Ikayama: my aunts and mother
Ikayama: Grinding corn for tamales
Ikayama: just bees
Ikayama: After harvesting honey