ika6_: still life
ika6_: mineral macro: 1 mm long Devillin needles
ika6_: mineral micromount: 8 mm "pigeon" crystal
ika6_: mineral´s micromount: sceptre crystal 8 mm
ika6_: mineral macro: Tyrolite 8 mm large cluster
ika6_: cluster of crystals 4 cm
ika6_: mineral micromount: boulangerite needles, the longest 3mm
ika6_: mineral macro: Scolecite needles
ika6_: mineral macro: Maghemite
ika6_: mineral macro: zinc blende on quartz
ika6_: crystal world - biggest crystal is 0,8 cm long
ika6_: mineral macro: malachite (green) and azurite (blue)
ika6_: druse of baryte
ika6_: mineral macro : Euchroit crystal 1 cm long
ika6_: mineral macro: aragonit cluster 0,5 cm large
ika6_: micromount - 1 cm long ametyst crystals
ika6_: mineral macro: kermesite needles, 0,8 cm long
ika6_: mineral macro: cinnabar
ika6_: mineral macro: Aurichalcit (turquoise) and black cubes of zinc blende
ika6_: mineral macro: 2 cm long free baryte crystal
ika6_: mineral macro: antimonite cluster 1 cm
ika6_: ametyst world
ika6_: mineral photo: gyps rose
ika6_: mineral macro: 1 mm small green libethenite crystals
ika6_: mineral macro: Slovak precisious opal
ika6_: mineral macro: Chalcopyrite and Quartz
ika6_: mineral macro: pseudomalachite lines
ika6_: Fluorite crystal
ika6_: Quarz
ika6_: Quartz