ika6_: frost
ika6_: evening walk around the city lake
ika6_: inside of the city forest chalet
ika6_: gallery in the forest chalet
ika6_: sunny autumn afternoon
ika6_: red bridge
ika6_: the path
ika6_: burning autumn
ika6_: before the winter starts
ika6_: sun bath
ika6_: end of the boating season 2
ika6_: pumpkin mood
ika6_: end of the boating seasion
ika6_: bench
ika6_: October path
ika6_: european buffalo safari
ika6_: castle Sumeg
ika6_: side altar
ika6_: October
ika6_: Kha
ika6_: Merit
ika6_: Sarcophagos of Kha (in backround) and Merit, his wife
ika6_: Egyptian bread
ika6_: ushabti - the army of servants
ika6_: citadella di Bergamo 2
ika6_: citta alta di Bergamo
ika6_: in the city parc
ika6_: mysterious forest gate
ika6_: pasha and his harem
ika6_: houses