ijx: I wonder where the center point of Centerpoint is? Prob around the middle.
ijx: Always an option.
ijx: Obligatory Shard shot.
ijx: Not quite sure who this chap is.
ijx: Christmas visitor.
ijx: Well dusky.
ijx: Winter conditions
ijx: Vauxglow.
ijx: Clearset.
ijx: Vauxset.
ijx: Bright bridge.
ijx: Overcast.
ijx: Giant luminous triffids.
ijx: Your friendly neighbourhood Llamas.
ijx: Your friendly neighbourhood Chinook.
ijx: Around.
ijx: Monolith.
ijx: More Lloyds.
ijx: That Lloyd’s.
ijx: Misty city.
ijx: Lunching
ijx: Beef stew. Oh yeah.
ijx: Ripples
ijx: Back once again with the junction sunset.
ijx: Clamset.
ijx: Top sunset.
ijx: Wait for it.
ijx: Good sunset.
ijx: Mid September picnic situation.
ijx: Anywhere else is fine.