♥rashida coleman-hale♥: No sleep last night.....but for a good cause. :) #quiltmarket
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Japanese kaleidoscopes. #After
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Japanese kaleidoscopes. #Before
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: And here's me pretending I've have time to sew just for fun! #StashUpgrade
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Last two #Koi SOs arrived today (thanks @mengelbencsko !!) and also managed to make some more samples! #OhHappyDay
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Okay. Maybe these frames aren't so tricky. :P #JustNeedToGetTheHangOfIt
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Just made this little coin purse. These frames are tricky! #NowINeedADrink
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: My new little Maneki-neko pal. He's super teeny. ^_^
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Koi SOs!!! Didn't think it was possible for a first run to be so spot on perfect! #Koi #cloud9fabrics
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Camp Stitchalot!
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Left row for #Tsuru and right row for #Koi. #SampleMakin
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Toying with some ideas for my #QM booth. Recovered one geta. Now for the other one! ^_^ #Tsuru
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Potholders in progress. That moment when you realize you won't be sewing "for fun" or using any other fabric but your own for the next two months. (#quiltmarket) Had to dig deep in the stash to find this print! :)
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: My @Cloud9Fabrics Summer 2013 collection logo!! *dances*
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: One of the prints we eliminated from my Spring '13 group 'Koi'. ^_~
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: One more. #SpoonflowerBound #KoiRejects
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: New tutorial! http://artgalleryfabrics.typepad.com/weblog/2013/02/fat-quarter-gang-boucherouite-blush-box-by-i-heart-linen.html
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: KOI!!!! #Cloud9Fabrics #July2013 #PssstSomeVoileBaby
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Koi - Voile (1 of 3 ) #july2013 #cloud9fabrics
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Koi - Voile (2 of 3 ) #july2013 #cloud9fabrics
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Koi - Voile (3 of 3 ) #july2013 #cloud9fabrics
♥rashida coleman-hale♥: Tsuru Preview!