Grace Filled Moments: September sampler I received from Linda F
Grace Filled Moments: my October mini fabric sampler for Lorraine
Grace Filled Moments: my september sampler for elizabeth
Grace Filled Moments: August sampler I received from Sally
Grace Filled Moments: finished Aug sampler
Grace Filled Moments: IMG_1265-001
Grace Filled Moments: June sampler from May
Grace Filled Moments: March sampler from Elizabeth
Grace Filled Moments: my may sampler
Grace Filled Moments: May sampler from Bev
Grace Filled Moments: April sampler from Heidi
Grace Filled Moments: my june sampler
Grace Filled Moments: feb sampler from Pam
Grace Filled Moments: april for linda
Grace Filled Moments: march for heidi
Grace Filled Moments: My February Sampler for Jan
Grace Filled Moments: My February Sampler for Jan
Grace Filled Moments: My February Sampler- I made this for Jan in England
Grace Filled Moments: Jan made this tag to match my January sampler- beautiful!
Grace Filled Moments: The January Sampler that I received from Jan in England
Grace Filled Moments: My January Sampler- for Pam in Arizona
Grace Filled Moments: 2015 Mini Sampler Swap Badge
Grace Filled Moments: MG bridesmaid dress
Grace Filled Moments: to becky from bev
Grace Filled Moments: to becky from bev
Grace Filled Moments: goodies Becky received from Marie
Grace Filled Moments: SEWN paper lantern
Grace Filled Moments: SEWN paper lantern