s.W.s.: Abstract Forest
Nick Udy ~ Thanks for stopping by :): The Beach [Explored 11/12/2016]
cathyk31: 10 12 2016
reinaroundtheglobe: Haarlem cityscape
mamzellelouison: Au cœur de la vie
Kevin Benedict Photography: Sometimes Beauty Can Be Cold
Jarno Savinen: Reflection
BillChenSF: Merlin after early morning meal, Male
R.Mattsson: Great night at my cottage!
david49100: Arbres et brouillard - Explore (10/12/2016)
S-A-Photography: Rhythmus
MichaSauer: Schwarze Heidelibelle (Sympetrum danae)
jason_frye: Courthouse Mountain, Chimney Rock, Colorado [Explored]
chuscordeiro: Geometría en Color
archie0: Sunrise on the Lake - "Explored 10th December 2016".
Luca Libralato: Fire And Ice
Larivoltametafisica: Ferragosto a Milano
Pabli Poulain: One with the universe