JeffSFO: In Thrust I Trust
Wei on the way: 8H3A9662s
JeffSFO: Heritage Flight Practice
JeffSFO: 757 and the Moon
JeffSFO: US Navy Leap Frogs Parachute Team Member with Multiple Smoke Packs
Wei on the way: 8H3A5090s
Wei on the way: 8H3A1444s
Wei on the way: 8H3A9344s
Wei on the way: 8H3A4953s
Wei on the way: 8H3A1787s
Wei on the way: 8H3A5374s
Wei on the way: 8H3A3147s
Wei on the way: 8H3A3225s
Lilmonster Michi: Wukang Road
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Alternate flamboyant cuttlefish
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Flamboyant cuttlefish portrait
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Long armed octopus in puffed-up mode
Diving (and other things) with Kelly and Dave: Tiny, tiny juvenile flambouyant cuttlefish
JeffSFO: B-2A, Spirit of Texas, February 5th
JeffSFO: Boss
JeffSFO: USAF Thunderbirds about to do an overhead approach at Nellis
JeffSFO: America's Cup: Second Downwind Leg, Race 15
JeffSFO: CH-47s taking off
JeffSFO: Bad timing