ioannis_papachristos: The Sea Has Many Voices—TS Eliot
ioannis_papachristos: Full Moon above Platamon Castle, Greece
ioannis_papachristos: Climbing Heaven and Gazing on the Earth…? —PB Shelley
ioannis_papachristos: Between Memory and Water—I. McMillan
ioannis_papachristos: Till a’ the Seas Gang Dry…and the Rocks Melt—Robert Burns
ioannis_papachristos: Flowers of the Rock Facing the Green Sea —G. Seferis
ioannis_papachristos: Shall we Fight Or shall we Fly?… —Tennyson
ioannis_papachristos: …heard a mermaid on a Dolphin's back—W. Shakespeare
ioannis_papachristos: We Were, my beloved, White Birds… —WB Yeats
ioannis_papachristos: Mutilated Blocks of Art —Lord Byron
ioannis_papachristos: Loud Brook's Incessant Fall In Streaming Rings Restagnates All—H. Vaughan
ioannis_papachristos: Deep Murmurs through Time's Silent Stealth —H. Vaughan
ioannis_papachristos: The pathway wound and homeward led my steps—W. Wordsworth
ioannis_papachristos: 1940-41: Greek Warrior’s Monument at Kalpaki, Greece
ioannis_papachristos: Breathe on the Burnished Mirror of the World—WB Yeats
ioannis_papachristos: The River Is Within Us —T.S. Eliot
ioannis_papachristos: Murmur of Water Falling in the Grotto Cool of the Nymphs—Sappho
ioannis_papachristos: Earth Is Designed so that the Face Turns Upward—A. Camus
ioannis_papachristos: We Have Not Wings, We Cannot Soar—HW Longfellow
ioannis_papachristos: The Gorge that Knew the Wounded Adonis—G. Seferis
ioannis_papachristos: But We Have Feet to Scale and Climb—HW Longfellow
ioannis_papachristos: City Greek from Ancient Times—CP Cavafy
ioannis_papachristos: Bridge Overarching the Silent River of Death ? —W Longfellow
ioannis_papachristos: I Curve and Flow to Join the Brimming River—Tennyson
ioannis_papachristos: Music, When Combined with a Pleasurable Idea, Is Poetry—EA Poe
ioannis_papachristos: Every Flower Enjoys the Air it Breathes—W Wordsworth
ioannis_papachristos: The Desert Is Not Remote in Southern Tropics—TS Eliot
ioannis_papachristos: Flow Down, Cold Rivulet, To the Sea—Tennyson
ioannis_papachristos: The White Dog Dances and Quivers—DH Lawrence
ioannis_papachristos: Bridging home, London—Homer's nostimon ēmar