megboyerphoto: Learning to ride. #100daysofsummer #boyerhive2015 #film
Yeow8: Gone Missing
megboyerphoto: Per usual. #boyerhive2015 #100daysofsummer #film
kerry_varnum: I hope spring comes soon!
Brandy Jaggers: DSCF8351.jpg
michaelmunoz: 14th Street, DC
Yeow8: Curious
Yeow8: Against Time
Brandy Jaggers: shooting is awesome.
Yeow8: Similarity
Yeow8: Mystery Kid
Brandy Jaggers: welcome back.
Gretchen Willis Photography: Amy on Portra400
michaelmunoz: Nikonos + Portra 400
megboyerphoto: Any excuse to go without shoes works for me. I like being a bumpkin out here in the sticks. #noshoesnoproblem #boyerhive2014 #notiphone #film #thefindlab #ishootfilm #shotonfilm #kodak
ckalephoto: Dinner last night with @howlermano. He snapped one of me. #sx70 #impossibleproject #snapitseeit #instantfilm
jaimi.lammers: Spring Milky Way
jaimi.lammers: IMG_0937-Edit.jpg
Brandy Jaggers: beautiful light.
misterminhaz: The Ladder Man
Gretchen Willis Photography: Dec2012FILM-0043