iamjamesward: In 2003 to 2015, the sounds of violent storms were recorded on 48 tapes. Well, I faced winds up to 180 mph, in one of these storms, and it was bad. I was up to it. Hurricanes kill. C.A. Maureen.
iamjamesward: In 2003 to 2015, the sounds of violent storms were recorded on 48 tapes. I faced winds well over 100mph and worse, and it took guts. I was not put off. Hurricanes kill. Helen.
iamjamesward: Same view (almost) today
iamjamesward: Same view (almost) today
iamjamesward: Same view (almost) today.
iamjamesward: Same (almost) view today
iamjamesward: Same view (almost) today
iamjamesward: Night Scene From Portland Place
iamjamesward: The London Telecom Tower
iamjamesward: (Reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (Reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (Reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: (Reverse of previous postcard)
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower London from Mullard Building, Torrington Place, looking west.
iamjamesward: View from Mullard Building
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower at night, London
iamjamesward: The Post Office Tower, London
iamjamesward: View from Clipstone Street
iamjamesward: Cleveland Street, London, W1
iamjamesward: View from Clipstone Street
iamjamesward: View from Charlotte Place
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower, London from Charlotte Street
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower At Night
iamjamesward: Post Office Tower, London from Mullard Building, Torrington Place, looking west