iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013_0136
iamfigurine ♣: X-mas 2013
iamfigurine ♣: Bleikur bíll fyrir stelpuna sem beit á jaxlinn og hélt aftur af tárunum þegar mamman þurfti að fara í leikskólanum í morgun. - fáránlega erfitt að finna bleikan bíl...
iamfigurine ♣: This is the tantrum child that refuses to take a nap these days. Claims she's NOT tired and will nooot lie down. Today's mantra: it's just a phase, it's just a phase.... Please be just a phase #motherhood
iamfigurine ♣: Monster baby at daycare wwrrroooaaaaar
iamfigurine ♣: When the view makes a tedious task enjoyable #agustavagustav
iamfigurine ♣: Liga gleuggu
iamfigurine ♣: Sunnudagslesturinn