bettycat: the lake macetero pasta de frita
steve loya: Splotch Monster Balance Medley 7, in insta-glo. #SplotchMonsterIsland #splotchmonsters #art #watercolor #monsters #drawing
Kuo I-Kuan: oil on canvas 2013 阻止不了的舞蹈
Kuo I-Kuan: water color
Kuo I-Kuan: 紅眼睛
bettycat: the sound of death
bettycat: my heart
黃志捷: IMG_20150421_033008
Kuo I-Kuan: IMG_2279拷貝
Kuo I-Kuan: IMG_2297
Kuo I-Kuan: IMG_2289拷貝
bettycat: ブローチ2
TOTO-RORO: 送給那些曾經摯愛的歡愉過的 20141003
Sundance = 放晴: 青春大衛 (Young David)