wisely-chosen: Day 215 of 365 - Year 2
wisely-chosen: Day 135 of 365 - Year 2
wisely-chosen: Day 133 of 365 - Year 2
LuNa Portnoi.Marcovsky: Dream/Sueña∞
reddwalitzki: Fall into my inkwells...
wisely-chosen: Day 38 of 365 - Year 2
wisely-chosen: Day 49 of 365 - Year 2
Phixo: 4/365 badass
Lady Hipo: primavera tatoo
helveticaneue: framework
WIP Hairport: hair dye blue at wip-hairport lisbon portugal
WIP Hairport: japanese haircut
Xav' Alberghini: Tattoo Art Fest Paris 2009
xstuntkidx: eden ghoul
xstuntkidx: corpse bride